Sample Vacation Rental Rental Agreements & Contracts
Upon confirmation of a booking, you should send your invoice, vacation rental agreement, pet policy and any other necessary agreement to your customer.
Vacation rental agreement can be just part of your vacation rental website - section terms and conditions, however we advise you to send it directly to your customers and do not accept a payment without the completed rental agreement.
Although free rental advertising and everyday business should always be your primary concern - if legal aspects of your business are not run properly, this area of your operations can be very painful.
Sample rental agreement (please review this with your attorney and adjust it to your local laws)
Also the easiest easiest website builder on the market www.bookingready.com includes this sample document in the section terms and conditions on your free rental listing website
Booking Confirmation
Thank you for choosing our home for your vacation! We're excited to have you.
The property is located at:
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Your confirmation is as follows:
Check-in date: Month DD, YYYY after Xpm EST (No early check-in please)
Check-out date: Month DD, YYYY by Xam EST
Number of adults: ____
Number of children: ____
Pets: ____
Your deposit of $_____ is due immediately.
Rental rate and fees are as follows:
$ _______ per night x ____ nights = $_________
Cleaning fee $_________
Sales Tax $_________
Less deposit $(________)
TOTAL Due $_________
The total payment is due on or before _____________.
Please sign and return the attached rental agreement. As soon as I receive your full payment, I will [send the key/provide instructions for entry to the property.]
Thanks, and have a great vacation!
# Rental Agreement
This agreement is a sample form only. You should have local legal counsel review and revise as necessary for compliance with federal, state and local law and your particular circumstances. For your convenience there are options A and B suggested below that you may choose depending on your property or practices. You should revise as necessary to accurately represent your property, rules, features, etc. This agreement is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.
This Short Term Rental Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between _______________________ (“Homeowner”) and _____________________ (“Guest”) as of the date last set forth on the signature page of this Agreement. For good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Property: The property is located at:
The property is furnished and includes ________________________________________ [list appliances and other provided items like linens, towels, etc.]
2. Rental Party: The rental party shall consist of Guest and the following persons:
3. Maximum Occupancy: The maximum number of guests is limited to X persons. An additional charge or $X per person per night for guests in addition to X will be assessed.
4. Term of the Lease: The lease begins at _____ p.m. on ____________ (the “Check-in Date”) and ends at _____ a.m. on ________________ (the “Checkout Date”).
5. Minimum Stay: This property requires a X night minimum stay. Longer minimum stays may be required during holiday periods. If a rental is taken for less than X days, the guest will be charged the X-night rate.
6. Rental Rules: Guest agrees to abide by the Rental Rules attached as Exhibit A at all times while at the property and shall cause all members of the rental party and anyone else Guest permits on the property to abide by the following rules at all times while at the property.
7. Access: Guest shall allow Homeowner access to the property for purposes of repair and inspection. Homeowner shall exercise this right of access in a reasonable manner..
8. Rental Rate and Fees
a. Deposit: A deposit of $______ is due at least ____ days prior to the Check-In Date.
Option A: The deposit is for security and shall be refunded within ____ days of the Checkout Date provided no deductions are made due to:
i. damage to the property or furnishings;
ii. dirt or other mess requiring excessive cleaning; or
iii. any other cost incurred by Homeowner due to Guest’s stay.
Option B: The deposit is non-refundable and applied toward the rental fees.
If the premises appear dirty or damaged upon Check-in, Guest shall inform Homeowner immediately.
b. Rental Rate. Payment in full of the following fees shall be due within ____ days of the Check-in Date:
$ _______ per night x ____ nights = $_________
Cleaning fee $_________
Sales Tax $ _________
Less deposit $(_________)
TOTAL Due $_________
9. Cancellation Policy: If Guest wishes to cancel his/her reservation, the deposit will be refunded as follows:
____% if cancelled ____ days prior to the Check-in Date
____% if cancelled ____ days prior to the Check-in Date
10. Insurance: We encourage all renters to purchase traveler insurance. Below are some references you may contact to purchase such insurance:
11. Payment: Acceptable payment methods are [personal check or credit card]. If you wish to use a credit card, please provide the following information.
Name on credit card: __________________ Type: _______________
Credit card billing address:_________________________________________________
City_______________________________ State ___________ Zip Code___________
Credit Card Number________________________________________
Exp date_____________ CVV (Security) Code _____________
By my signature below, I hereby give permission to charge my credit card for the amounts above. I agree that all rental monies are non-refundable per cancellation policy above. I have read my rights to purchase travel insurance.
The parties agree to the terms of this Short Term Rental Agreement, as evidenced by the signatures set forth below.
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