— How to Promote Hotel and Hospitality Industry Sites —

How to Promote Hotel and Hospitality Industry Sites

What would be a good way to promote a small hotel initially?

How to Get Initial Free Traffic to Your Hotel Website


So you’ve got a sparkling, brand-new website created using bookingready.com website builder for vacation property rentals. Fantastic!  Now how are you going to get traffic to it?
One of the ways to get immediate traffic and reservations is to purchase clicks using Google Adwords. If you manage to remain profitable even after spending thousands of euro on adwords - you should definitely stick to the strategy. Othewise, maybe you should test some of these:

1) Create a Google+ Local Business Page

One of the easiest steps you can take is to clam a G+ Local business - there are many reasons for doing this and some of them are: Google may rank your website higher, hotel might appear in the Carousel, you hotel will be accessible via mobile phones and this will increase number of last minute bookings.

2) Register on OTAs

Many OTAs will provide you with immediate traffic - so we strongly advise you to register your vacation property rental on at least the biggest ones, however you need to be prepared to pay commissions which may range from 8 to 15% in case your traveler doesn't search for your website but reserves his room using booking engine.

3) Include a TripAdvisor review request

Many researches imply that Trip advisor is one of the most trusted sources for travelers - your hotel should definitely have nice review which includes link to your website

4) Comment on blogs and forums

Comment on blogs and forums to gain referral traffic and backlinks.

5) Answer questions on Yahoo Answers!

There are many Q&A platforms such as Quora, Yahoo, Answerbag etc, this can be great source of referral traffic, but it is also useful for your SEO efforts.

6) YouTube videos

Create youtube videos and use www.trafficgeyser.com/‎ or some other software to make sure somebody sees it. Give a concise titles using the most important keywords for your niche.

7) Add your vacation rental website to local directories

Your responsive design vacation rental site  has  to be listed on bigger global directories such as G+, Tripadvisor, Fedor, the easiest way to perform local submission is to use https://moz.com/local/

8) Create content

This is probably the most important of all points - content is still the king and there is nothing more profitable than investment in high quality photos, texts, videos, maps etc which will be included in vacation rental website design. When using bookingready vacation rental e-commerce system or any other system - availability calendars should always be updated, key information about your city, transport, events, places to see should always be present on your website.


Free Property Website For Short Term Rental Owners  ➤
Posted on: 13-May-2018

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